iGift isvery honored that our factory qualifys in Sedex ethical trade audit standard., adheres toSMETA standards for social and ethical compliance.
SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit)assesses our factory based on our standards of labour, health and safety,environment and business ethics. these are key areas for assessing anorganisation's responsible business practices and meeting social complianceduring uniform and garment production.
Social Responsibility
The vision of iGift goes beyond merely products and profits, but instead it involves truly committing to its corporate social responsibilities. Our company strongly believes that it is important to embrace responsibility for the company’s actions and encourage a positive impact through its activities on the society.

Globally Recognized Standards – BSCI and SA8000
iGift acknowledges the guidelines set by both the BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative) and SA8000 (Social Accountability International SA8000 standard) for continuous improvements. The two certification bodies have set different policies and standards to ensure the company is a socially responsible manufacturer in numerous aspects.
Sharing the same ultimate goal as BSCI, iGift is committed to improve the working conditions in the supply chain though various methods such as integrating learning at the producer level to develop their relevant knowledge and skills.
iGift also respects the SA8000 standard,meaning that our company adopts policies and procedures that protect the basic human rights of workers, such as dedicating to prevent workplace hazards and prohibiting discrimination.
Community Development and Relationship
As a part of the society, iGift strives to serve different individuals and groups whenever possible through its productionof clothing items. We sponsor and offer special promotions to numerous social organizations including charities, churches and student-led associations from time to time in order to help them facilitate their organizational growth. Furthermore, during certain periods when universities hold events, iGift allows the students to order various kinds of T-shirts and other clothing items at a promotional price. Such examples show the actions which iGift take course to strike a balance between its commercial growth and social development.
Environmentally Friendly Production
Being a clothing manufacturer, iGift produces a large volume of garments on a regular basis. During the production process, our company fully utilizes every opportunity to reduce wastes and conserve resources. Numerous actions are taken in daily operations: for example,turning off equipment when it is not being used, encouraging communications by emails instead of paper, utilizing lean production to minimize waste and instigating an ongoing search for “greener” products. iGift believes that by consistently reducing the amount of energy, water, and paper on a daily basis,a huge difference can be made to the environment.

Positive Workplace Environment
Our company is aware of the importance of the workplace environment; therefore, it aims to build a sense of teamwork and community at work to bring everyone in the company together.
iGift continuously strives to improve the relationship between co-workers and organizational culture, as well as allowing room for personal development, in order to provide a positive workplace environment.
The vision of iGift goes beyond merelyproducts and profits, but instead it involves truly committing to its corporatesocial responsibilities. Our company strongly believes that it is important toembrace responsibility for the company’s actions and encourage a positiveimpact through its activities on the society.
EnvironmentallyFriendly Production
Being a clothing manufacturer, iGiftproduces a large volume of garments on a regular basis. During the productionprocess, our company fully utilizes every opportunity to reduce wastes andconserve resources. Numerous actions are taken in daily operations: for example,turning off equipment when it is not being used, encouraging communications byemails instead of paper, utilizing lean production to minimize waste andinstigating an ongoing search for “greener” products. iGift believes that byconsistently reducing the amount of energy, water, and paper on a daily basis,a huge difference can be made to the environment.
PositiveWorkplace Environment
Our company is aware of the importance ofthe workplace environment; therefore, it aims to build a sense of teamwork andcommunity at work to bring everyone in the company together.
iGift continuously strives to improve therelationship between co-workers and organizational culture, as well as allowingroom for personal development, in order to provide a positive workplaceenvironment.
CommunityDevelopment and Relationship
As a part of the society, iGift strives toserve different individuals and groups whenever possible through its productionof clothing items. We sponsor and offer special promotions to numerous social organizationsincluding charities, churches and student-led associations from time to time inorder to help them facilitate their organizational growth. Furthermore, duringcertain periods when universities hold events, iGift allows the students toorder various kinds of T-shirts and other clothing items at a promotionalprice. Such examples show the actions which iGift take course to strike a balancebetween its commercial growth and social development.
GloballyRecognized Standards – BSCI and SA8000
iGift acknowledges the guidelines set byboth the BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative) and SA8000 (SocialAccountability International SA8000 standard) for continuous improvements. Thetwo certification bodies have set different policies and standards to ensurethe company is a socially responsible manufacturer in numerous aspects.
Sharing the same ultimate goal as BSCI,iGift is committed to improve the working conditions in the supply chain thoughvarious methods such as integrating learning at the producer level to developtheir relevant knowledge and skills.
iGift also respects the SA8000 standard,meaning that our company adopts policies and procedures that protect the basichuman rights of workers, such as dedicating to prevent workplace hazards andprohibiting discrimination.
Positive Workplace Environment
Our company is aware of the importance of the workplace environment; therefore, it aims to build a sense of teamwork and community at work to bring everyone in the company together.
iGift continuously strives to improve the relationship between co-workers and organizational culture, as well as allowing room for personal development, in order to provide a positive workplace environment.